Tuesday, 11 September 2018

The Summer Weather is back

September 11, 2018:

I joined a couple of groups and it is really helping me feel more connected (and more human) - and to have people to talk to, other than the dog!! (Although Murphy does enjoy our scintillating conversations, I feel they are sometimes a little one-sided.)

Tuesday, September 4: I joined a hiking group of Moms from the International School and we hiked a good 11km hike, starting from the school and going up into a forest with great views! There were about 40 people (including 3 dads) so it was a fairly big group. I had to dodge a few conversations so that I didn't walk beside people complaining or cranking about their kids' teachers...that is not going to fill my soul with positive energy! So I walked past the conversations until I found someone that was chatting in a way that was positive. How lovely!! I talked to the woman for at least an hour and a half of the walk and it was easy and wonderful, In fact,  I was going to leave the hike early, since it was going not far from our apartment, but I chose to keep hiking all the way to the school and added on the 5km walk home. It was well worth the effort since I enjoyed some chocolate when I got home!

Thursday, September 6: I joined a yoga class - again, with some Moms from the International School. It's a great way to stretch and build some strength and core muscles again, and it is going so much better in english than my Swiss German Pilates class!!! (I tried out a Pilates Class in downtown Zug last week, and I LOVED it!! The biggest problem was that it was in Swiss German, and so I had to torque my neck to look at the instructor, to see if I am doing it properly, which then basically negates the form that I tried to achieve in doing the exercise! Kind of counter-productive!! But I think it will be a great way to learn Swiss German in a fun atmosphere, so I think I will try to get my German better and then sign up for the class as a reward of sorts...)

It turns out that the class I am in has me with 3 other Moms from Sarah's grade 8 class! 1 girl and 2 boys! That is kind of neat!

Friday, September 7: I joined a knitting club that meets every few weeks. I was a little hesitant: is it going to be all old people? Are they going to be a serious knitting group - I cannot knit and talk!! Well, so far, these are cool knitters who are experienced through new knitters and it was a fabulous couple of hours sitting in a cafe by the train station right in Baar (our little town)!

It's amazing how those three activities made my week so much more enjoyable! I still had time to grocery shop every day, walk Murphy a few times a day and do the house keeping chores, but thankfully, cleaning drains was not the highlight of my week this week!!

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