Monday, 27 August 2018

So begins week 2 of BTS (Back To School)

Monday, August 27, 2018

It's Monday morning, and the apartment is empty; the girls are off to school, Justin is off to work and I am starting week 2 of the school year. I kept myself busy last week with tasks to keep me from feeling lonely - I did some pretty exciting (sarcasm) things to keep myself busy: 

  • I cleaned the shower drains (actually kind of cool the way the Swiss have the filters set up efficiently to catch the hair and debris that goes down the shower drain, but not really a thrilling task)
  • I met up with a Mom from the school and showed her the river where we let our dogs run and play. The unfortunate part was that her dog kept running away to explore the forest and the river. The good part was that the hour I thought I was going to spend walking ended up taking 3 hours! That filled my morning!
  • I tried a Pilates class in Zug and I loved it. I am going to sign up for a class that will go for 18 weeks! That will get me visiting Zug once a week and I can combine it with other shopping and exploring (actual or window shopping).
  • I found an office supply store to get some school supplies for the girls. That is one of my weaknesses, but I stayed fully on task and only bought the folders that Shannon needed.
  • I rode my bike to Hollegrotten to explore that bike route. It isn't that far away from the apartment, but it was a nice ride. Next time, maybe I'll stop and have coffee at the cafe that is tucked into the area! I love how cafes and restaurants can survive in Switzerland out in the middle of nowhere!
  • I put together Sarah's IKEA set of drawers.
  • I met Kelly for a swim in Zug at the badi and rode my bike through the crazy construction detours that have appeared. Luckily, the Swiss label everything quite well and the detours did not cause me to get lost.
  • I went to the Okihof - the recycling centre - to drop off all our un-garbage that has accumulated. Then I came home and labeled some bags so that the recycling can be sorted ahead of time and save me having to do it at the Okihof.
Clearly, if these were my mid-week highlights, I have some improving to do!! More exercise this week, signing up for a fitness class, some new parent meetings are on the calendar and I have to dedicate some time to knitting Sarah's sweater so that I can hopefully get it done before October!

Here's hoping this week is a wee bit more exciting!!

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