Tuesday, 24 July 2018

The Pure & Simple Joy of a Fresh, Soft Towel

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Justin is likely most thankful for the arrival of the remaining bikes in his fleet when the sea container arrived on Friday afternoon. I, on the other hand, am most thankful for the arrival of bedding and new, soft towels!!! Oh, the joy of a soft towel after using a dry, cardboard like compact camping towel!!! And sheets on the bed instead of a sleeping bag....Oh how I love thee, let me count the ways! I'm not sure what the girls are most thankful for, but I think it's their momentos from home: pictures, bedding, and more clothes as well as the bikes and the towels...

We skipped our outings this weekend in favour of unpacking. It was a wee bit like Christmas! We had forgotten when we packed! And I made it a little more fun by packing away candy from Canada and Chips from Canada, which were mostly discovered by my helpers. 8 little bags of Canadian junk food were not discovered and have been squirrelled away into a secret hiding spot (that hopefully I will not forget) so that I can pull them out when the going gets tough...

Yesterday was a real lazy day. The girls and I hung out at home - they fell into the Netflix vortex and came out reluctantly. Sarah made some Snowball Cookies and Shannon made some delicious Lemon Curd and Raspberry Coulis for a dessert with Meringues and lemon sorbet. MMMMMM...that was a delicious way for her to spend some time! Today, Sarah is baking up some chocolate chip cookies, but since we couldn't find any chocolate chips, she is using a Swiss chocolate bar - not a substitution I could argue with! I am sure they will taste delicious!!

We haven't made much progress on my newly created challenge: to explore all the pools and beaches we can find by bike, bus, train or car. It's heating up here for the next week or two so I thought it would be a good challenge to keep us busy, to help us discover the area and to stay cool.

1 comment:

  1. I loved your treats hidden in with your stuff! Bet that was a hit!!
